You’re never too young to start taking yoga classes! If you want to try yoga for the first time, real hot yoga is the place to start!

What class should I start with? 

We offer a variety of classes for everyone. Your current fitness level can help you decide which class to start with. If you are not super active, one of our beginner classes is the perfect place to start to learn the basics. If you are already active, you can choose from any of our classes. Each class offers modifications for yoga beginners in Knoxville so you can add difficulty as you progress. Just know that with any class you choose, there will be a lot of practice involved before you know exactly what you are doing. Feel free to take breaks as needed during the class and ask questions – your instructors are here to help!

 Is there a special for new students?

Yes! We have a new client intro offer for beginners at the studio. For just a little over $1 a day, you can experience unlimited real hot yoga for 30 days. This gives you the opportunity to try a variety of classes, styles, and instructors to determine what you like best and establish a class routine that works best for you moving forward.

Do you have any tips for beginners? 

Always listen to your body. You don’t have to do anything that you are uncomfortable with. As you learn more and become more active, your body will become stronger and more flexible. Anytime you need to rest during a class, please do! Drinking water and taking a break to catch your breath will allow you to enjoy the class and have fun!